

International technical assistance project "Participant Training Program" focused on transfer of new knowledge and skills in order to improve the political, social, and economic context in Ukraine and creation of a network of professionals that shares best international practices and knowledge throughout Ukraine.

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Проект "Навчальні програми професійного зростання" Агентства США з міжнародного розвитку, який виконувався у 2013-2018 рр. World Learning та Консорціумом із удосконалення менеджмент-освіти в Україні (CEUME), завершився. На цьому сайті представлено програми, що здійснювалися у рамках цього проекту, а також відомості про випускників програм, з якими зацікавлені можуть сконтактуватися. Наразі підтримується спілкування через сторінку проекту в мережі Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ParticipantTrainingProgram/ та через сторінку Консорціуму із удосконалення менеджмент-освіти в Україні https://www.facebook.com/116235541781226 Просимо також завітати на веб-сайт Консорціуму із удосконалення менеджмент-освіти в Україні (CEUME) http://ceume.org.ua , щоб дізнатися про нові проекти й ініціативи, до яких можете також долучитися.

Quotes from participants

Participation in this program gave me the impetus for reflection and reassessment of my actions. In professional terms, I received a lot of new knowledge; I tried to draw parallels between the activities of institutions in Ukraine and the United States for better understanding what we need to change to improve the situation in our country and what we can keep.
Nadiia Fedirko,Director of District Lyceum of Ivankiv town, alumni of Youth Citizenship: Civic Education Reform in Schools program, USA (2015)
Discussions with investigative journalists from the Czech Republic turned out to be very useful for my professional work; meetings with the community leaders who shared their experience in struggle for transparency in political financing and against corruption were highly topical and sincere. But most of all I was impressed by the meetings with the Czech senators, who showed us that politics could be fair.
Olga Filippova, the Head of the newspaper "Black Sea News", alumni of Political Finance Monitoring and Advocacy for Reform, program, ​​Czech Republic (2015)
Visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina allowed me to get a new view of Ukraine and appreciate more what we have achieved, what we are creating and what we are striving to! Reconciliation efforts in Ukraine will start only after the cessation of armed hostilities, but it is worth laying foundation right now
Alexandra Vinogradova, Senior specialist of innovative programs of the Ukrainian charitable organization "All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV / AIDS ", alumni of Do No Harm: Fostering Conflict-Sensitivity in Southern and Eastern Ukraine program, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2015)
This conference, in particular, and public dialogue about the problems and ways to ensure quality of education in Ukraine in general, are extremely important at a time of economic and political crises, time of challenges and changes. Understanding the need to provide high-quality educational services at all levels of education (secondary, high, vocational, postgraduate) by a wide range of professionals and public gives hope for real positive changes in this sector...”
O.V.Krugliak, University of Economy and Law “Krok”, participant of Conference “Assuring Quality of Education in Ukraine", Kyiv (2015)